Hey, I'm glad you stopped by to my webpage. I really appreciate your interest in rekindling the fire in your marriage. You are taking the first step towards a more fufilled and happy endeavor with the love of your life. If you haven't stopped by my About Me page then I'm going to give you a brief overview about myself. My name is Edward and I really have a deep sincere passion for helping people obtain the kind of marriage they dream for. Marriage can be hard sometimes and it can keep you up late at night pondering how can I help my marriage. With all the ups and downs that coexist within a marriage it can feel like a rollercoaster ride. Marriage is about living a wonderful life with your partner and raising children if you decide to. Putting that ring on your wife's finger is probaly the most happiest moment of your life. You have all these dreams of buying a house, getting a new car, being the man or woman of the household, and supporting your family.  When issues start to arise in your commitment it can turn your life upside down. One rule of thumb when establishing a successful is to never stop creating intimacy between you and your partner. You might be tired from working all day but that does not mean you can not show a little bit romance to your partner. Learn to stop being selfish and pay your lover some attention. It can go a long way for you.